Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Idol!

If you had the chance to spend a day or even just a few hours with Your Idol, wouldn't you take it?

Well, most people who know me know that I am a HUGE Mia Michaels fan. But over the past year I have become more and more fond of Sonya Teyah. She is amazingly brilliant and I wish I could spend just a day in her head to see how she thinks. To see where her ideas come from and all the corky traits she is famous for.

But here is the thing...I DO have that chance! The chance to "have the ability to sign up to experience a class led by one of the leaders in contemporary dance working today." Sonya will be at the "Day After" at Dayton on Sunday, April 11th!!!!!

When I got the news I completely freaked out! I want so badly to be on that floor learning from her! But I have to teach come Monday and I don't know how to make it work. This will be a chance of a lifetime for me. Like having a pitching lesson from Jenny Finch! I hope I don't have to let it pass me by.

If you are a fan of Sonya then you will understand.....

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